Author: Nicolas Tilkin

Part 3: Hanoï

The first thing I will remember about Hanoi is scooters—scooters everywhere! Hanoi is pretty famous for that, but you can’t truly imagine it until you experience it yourself. They have priority over everything and everyone, including pedestrians. I’m happy to still be alive. The food here is good. I hadn’t eaten any bread for two […]

Part 2: Chiang Mai

Part 2 | Chiang Mai, Thailand The second part of the journey is coming to an end. Chiang Mai is well-known in the digital nomad community. It’s not too small, not too big, with good weather, reliable internet, affordable prices, and excellent food. All of it is true. If I had to choose between Chiang […]

Part 1: Bangkok

The first part of the journey is over. I just traveled from Bangkok to Chiang Mai by night train. First of all, Bangkok is huge—impossible to truly understand without seeing it. The city has a population of 9 million (17 million including the metropolitan area), which is more than the entire population of Belgium! The […]

I’m going on an adventure !

I left my job and returned the company car and apartment. For personal reasons that I won’t discuss here, as well as professional reasons, I decided to embark on a seven-month journey through Southeast Asia. During this time, I plan to focus on myself, explore new places, and work on the next steps in my […]